Originally I started painting up 20mm Airfix plastics for WRG Napoleonics. I still have a couple left from 1980 that have had repaints and been reassigned to new units. Since then I've slowly built up forces for Napoleon's Battles with the uncertain objective of refighting Borodino before I die.
Here's the great man himself..
Using Strelets' Napoleon and Italeri staff, I based him on a 2 x 2 inch base. I generally use the 25mm basing sizes but I felt that a full 3 x 3 would just be too big for the figures.
Going to the other end of NB's command scale - Divisional - Lahoussaye, commander of the 6th Heavy Cavalry Division (part of III Cavalry Corps) at Borodino, is next in line. I tried painting the gold stuff in brown first and then using the gold as a highlight followed by some off-white.